Thursday 3 March 2011

part 4- evaluation

4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

The construction of the music video was something new for me as I have not used final cut pro or I movie before, only once last year in my as course doing a opening sequence. This year during my a-level course when editing the music video we were asked to use final cut pro, in which I have never used before. I and my partner Jess were showed how to use the final cut pro by a media teacher in our school, me and Jess took it in turns to edit the music video, we had used up all our free time to get it perfect, when we first started to edit the music video I enjoyed to watch back on all the scenes and needed to be deleted scenes. I also felt like a professional editing a movie, because we deleted the scenes that didn’t work, and we were really mature about getting the work done.

One of the internet sources I used was youtube, I used this on a regular basis to find similar music videos to my own and to listen the song by madness when coming up with a storyboard.

Photoshop at first was a challenge for me, but then my partner gave me tips and ideas I finally got used to using the buttons and effects and found it really fun to use as it made the final image look professional.

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